<トップ> 国際委員会のページ(JOTI 2014 のページ)    更新 2014年10月3日 

 Welcome to Hyogo Scout Council, S.A.J.  - JOTI 2014

          57th Jamboree On The Air(JOTA)
   18th Jamboree On The Internet(JOTI)

  Greetings from Hyogo Council, Scout
 Association  of Japan.

  *About our Hyogo prefecture(Click) (-Wikipedia)

 We are happy to inform you that our Hyogo Scout Council which is located in Kobe city,famous port town of western Japan.


   We are also honored to introduce you that the founder of
  Scout movement, Lord Robert Baden-Powell visited to the
  city of Yokohama and Kobe on way to his world trip in 1912,
  about 100 years ago.
   There is a statue of "Wolf Cub" here in Kobe which commemorate the birth
 place of cub scouting(Wolf Cub) in Japan.  
 Our Hyogo council have arranged for participating the JOTI 2014 by using"Skype"
 video chat.
 Operating hours:   14:00-16:00  JST  on October 18 (Sat.) (GMT+9)
                    10:00-16:00  JST  on October.19 (Sun.)

"hyogo-council_saj" Skype-ID for contact us.

Remarks::Participating district Station of Hyogo Scout council
           DISTRICT_name       Skype_ID
           Hyogo Council      hyogo-council_saj     
           Kobe-Tarumi       kobetarumi-district_saj 
           Hanshin Sakura      shimachan        18th 13:00-22:00.

   For participating JOTI2014 we setup Skype-ID:"

   We are anxious to have a lot of contacts from all over the world and also this program
   will be good oppor tunity to learn different culture.

 <Prospect Participating station at JOTI2014 -Thank you for your greetings >
 1.Hsinchu City Sun-Fun Scouts Group (Taiwan) Skype ID: bwohcs
  Hsinchu City Sun-Fun Scouts Group will join the 2014 JOTA-TOTI in the morning on 19 Oct.
 We will make the connection by Skype. The ID of Sun-Fun Scouts is “bwohcs”.
 Please feel free to contact us. We will keep on line and wait for your calls!
 Here show you the badges of 2014 JOTA-TOTI, designed by Hsinchu City Sun-Fun Scouts Group.
  The pattern in the middle is a “bamboo”; a symbol of the name of “Hsinchu City”.


2.Girl Scout Leader in Ponte Vedra, Florida USA.  Skype ID: beachesgirlscouts1
  It is time to prepare for JOTA/JOTI 2014. This year, the Girl Scouts of Gateway
  Council are planning to establish multiple JOTI SKYPE stations throughout the council,
  giving about 500 Girl Scouts the opportunity to contact scouts from all over the world.
  Please confirm if you plan to participate in JOTA 2014. I may also be contacted via email at
 I will be establishing a list of international station from around the world, and would like to
add your troop to the list. The list will be distributed to all my contacts a week before JOTA
2014 starts. Hope to see you at JOTA 2014.
  Yours in Scouting.   John & Miranda
 We represent 40 other sjype stations that will be active on October 18, from 8:00am-5:00pm
EST (Eastern Standard Time, USA -4GMT)
John Van Zyl: All international contacts will come into beachesgirlscouts and then be routed
to anyone of the 40 stations that we will be operating.
When every you get bored with one station, you come back to beachesgirlscouts1

      World Time zone map(click)
                      12:00Japan Standard Time = 3:00 UTC
                 Our Skype ID hyogo-council_saj


    http://jotajoti.info/    WOSMのJOTI登録サイト

       10月4日現在 公式JOTA-JOTIサイトにグループ登録をされている代表者に、

  ・https://www.facebook.com/jota.joti.wosm    JOTA/JOTI2014のフェイスブックのページ

  ・http://www.world-jotajoti.info/sinbad-travels/ シンドバットの旅
   *翻訳:シンドバットと一緒に follow sindbad  PDF(横浜87団 安井氏より引用。)
  ・兵庫連盟(hyogo-council_saj)JOTIのページへ  交信希望国の紹介。
    ・日本連盟のJOTA/JOTI 掲示板が開設されています。交信相手探しやコメントなど
    交流の参考になります。 http://www.ja1yss.org/jota_joti.html
  <今回のJOTA/JOTI 記念Patchが届きました。>


   <<<JOTI2014関連のお知らせ >>>
  兵庫連盟のSkype-ID (アカウント)は hyogo-council_sajです。
  また 兵庫連盟のJamPuz ID は 3JP69Fです。
     Your 2014 JamPuz JID Hyogo Scout Council is: 3JP69F

   WOSMのWorld JOTAーJOTIチームからのお知らせメールが本日10月17日
  A few tips to help make your JOTA-JOTI weekend a success ..

  JOTIについてのサマリー(概要説明)です。今年のJOTIのプログラム説明があります。  http://www.world-jotajoti.info/summary/
  参加記念証(Participation Certificate)の作成ページです。このサイトからPDFファイルを取
   official-jotajoti-2014-participation-card.pdf へのリンク



兵庫連盟国際委員会のページへ(Return to int'l committee Hyogo scout council)
 Copyright (c) 2006 日本ボーイスカウト兵庫連盟